Painkillers, anti-nausea and anti-spasm medications are given to ensure that the patient wakes up comfortably and safely when the surgery is over. After 2 hours following surgery, the patient may feel relatively well. After 4 hours, the patient can get out of bed, go to the toilet, walk in the corridor.


Patients can start drinking water with small sips in the first day. The first goal is to get used to a small, new stomach. Need of fluid, salt and sugar is suplied with serum.

Mobility and deep breathing are very important for a rapid and problem-free healing. Anti-embolic sock should be worn and patients should frequently walk during the hospital stay in order to minimize the risk of clot formation in leg vessels.

To prevent lung functions, patients should breath as deeply as possible and do respiratory exercises with recommended devices.


Blood tests are analyzed to check the health status. You are recommended to drink one tea glass of water per hour as long as you are awake. You should drink at least 1.5 liters of water a day. You can achieve it by increasing the amount gradually. Walking and respiratory exercises should be continued.

The new, small stomach is visualized with computed tomography. For this purpose, approximately one cup of contrast medium (dye) is drunk. Stomach passage and integrity are confirmed. After the CT scan, other liquids can begin to drink.


Nutrition is continued with clear liquid foods. Amount and variety of liquid foods are increased in line with the recommendations of the dietician. If sufficient amount of fluid is tolerated, the need to the intravenous fluid support decreases.

You are recommended to walk frequently throughout the hospital stay. You should continue wearing anti-embolism socks. Tablet forms of the drugs can swallow.


Blood tests are repeated to check the health status. The abdominal drain is removed. This is a simple and painless procedure. The diet and medications are arranged and thus, the hospital stay is completed.

There is no standardized practice for postoperative follow-up which is accepted by all bariatric clinics. This is our clinical practice as described here.

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